Location Population Establishment Transport Amenities
East Devon, England Approximately 8,000 2012 Train station, bus services Schools, shops, community centres

What is the location of Cranbrook Exeter?

Cranbrook Exeter is a new town located in the district of East Devon, England. It is approximately 9 kilometers east of the city of Exeter.

When was Cranbrook Exeter established?

Cranbrook Exeter was established in the year 2012 as part of the government’s plan to build new towns across the country.

What is the population of Cranbrook Exeter?

The population of Cranbrook Exeter is approximately 8,000 residents and is expected to grow in the coming years.

What are the transportation facilities in Cranbrook Exeter?

Cranbrook Exeter is well-connected with a train station providing services to Exeter and London. The town is also served by several bus routes.

What amenities does Cranbrook Exeter offer?

Cranbrook Exeter offers a range of amenities including schools, shops, community centres, and sports facilities.

What is the housing like in Cranbrook Exeter?

The housing in Cranbrook Exeter is primarily new-build homes, ranging from one-bedroom apartments to four-bedroom family homes.

What is the community like in Cranbrook Exeter?

The community in Cranbrook Exeter is diverse and vibrant, with a mix of families, young professionals, and retirees.

What are the educational facilities in Cranbrook Exeter?

Cranbrook Exeter boasts several educational facilities, including primary and secondary schools.

What are the employment opportunities in Cranbrook Exeter?

Cranbrook Exeter offers a range of employment opportunities in sectors such as retail, education, and healthcare.

What is the landscape like around Cranbrook Exeter?

The landscape around Cranbrook Exeter is predominantly rural, with rolling hills and beautiful countryside views.

What is the climate like in Cranbrook Exeter?

Cranbrook Exeter experiences a temperate maritime climate, with mild winters and warm summers.

What are the future plans for Cranbrook Exeter?

Future plans for Cranbrook Exeter include the construction of more homes, an expansion of the town centre, and the development of additional community facilities.

What are the leisure facilities in Cranbrook Exeter?

Leisure facilities in Cranbrook Exeter include sports fields, parks, and a community centre that hosts various activities and events.

What are the local attractions near Cranbrook Exeter?

Local attractions near Cranbrook Exeter include the historic city of Exeter, the Jurassic Coast, and the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

What makes Cranbrook Exeter a great place to live?

Cranbrook Exeter is a great place to live due to its modern amenities, excellent transport links, and close proximity to both the city and countryside.

For more detailed information about Cranbrook Exeter, please visit the East Devon council’s official website.